16 December 2009

Where true power lies

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Where is the powerful of this age?

On Monday, we made an afternoon trip to Herodion, a mountain fortress built by King Herod, the same who persecuted the infant Christ. As we were climbing this mountain, surrounded by Israeli military, entering into a city long vacant which had once been a center of government for Herod, I found myself thinking about where power lies.

As anyone who visits Herodion can see, the structure is more than an adequate fort. From the outside, it appears to simply be a volcano. From the inside, if an army were to attack, the city would be easy to defend. The Zealots during the Jewish revolt knew this, and used Herodion to fight the Romans.

Herod himself built it as a place of power, a personal fortress to which he could go in case of emergency. From the top, the hill of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives could be seen on the horizon, and the little town of Bethlehem in the valley below.

Although scripture says the magi went to Jerusalem where they found Herod, I couldn’t help but wonder if Herod had looked out from this fortress down at Bethlehem, wondering about the prophecy of the Messiah, and if he was coming from a humble village to overthrow him.

Today, Herod’s power is gone. The Zealots were crushed by the Romans. The Romans Empire itself has fallen. And yet remains the king born in Bethlehem that night, whom we have come to adore.

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On this symbol of worldly power, we remembered the one who is truly power, who confounds the power of the powerful, whose power created the universe. Truly blessed are all those who trust in him!

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